Origin and Manufacture of Food Gelatin





Origin and Manufacture of Food Gelatin

Food gelatin is a kind of natural polymer material widely used in food processing industry, which has good viscosity and stability. The following is a detailed explanation about the origin and manufacture of food gelatin.

Source of 1.

Food gelatin is mainly derived from animal bones, skin, tendons and other parts containing collagen. These raw materials undergo a series of treatments and processes to extract collagen, which is then processed by specific chemical or physical methods to finally make food gelatin.

2. manufacturing process

1. Raw material preparation: select healthy animal bones, skin, etc. as raw materials, after cleaning, disinfection and other treatments to ensure the hygiene and quality of raw materials.
2. Extraction of collagen: The collagen in the raw material is extracted by hydrolysis and other methods. This process usually requires high temperature, high pressure and the action of enzymes to destroy the structure of the protein and turn it into a soluble colloid.
3. Filtration and purification: The extracted collagen is filtered and purified to remove impurities and unwanted components to obtain a relatively pure collagen solution.
4. Concentration and drying: The collagen solution is concentrated, and then made into gelatin particles or flakes by drying and other methods.
5. Testing and packaging: Quality testing of the prepared food gelatin to ensure that it complies with relevant standards and regulations. Finally, it is packaged for storage and transportation.

3. features

Food gelatin has excellent viscosity and stability, and can play a variety of roles in food processing, such as thickening, stabilization, emulsification, etc. In addition, food gelatin also has good water solubility and is easy to disperse and dissolve in food.

4. application

Food gelatin is widely used in various food processing industries, such as dairy products, beverages, candy, meat products, etc. It can not only improve the taste and texture of food, but also extend the shelf life of food.

5. Summary

Food gelatin is an important food additive, which has a wide range of sources, and the manufacturing process involves many links. Understanding the origin and manufacturing process of food gelatin helps us to better understand and use this material. In the process of food processing, food gelatin should be used reasonably to ensure its safety and effectiveness, and provide consumers with safer and healthier food.