Food Additive-Application of Gelatin







Gelatin in Food Additives and Its Application

Gelatin is a natural polymer compound, widely used in the food industry, as a food additive, its main function is thickening, stability, film and so on. This article will discuss the application of gelatin in the food industry.

Basic properties of 1. gelatin

Gelatin is a product obtained by hydrolysis and purification of animal bones, skin and other raw materials. It has excellent gelling properties, can be dissolved in water and form a high viscosity colloid. In addition, gelatin also has excellent film formation, viscosity and stability, making it an important additive in the food industry.

Application of 2. Gelatin in Food

1. Dairy products: In dairy products, gelatin is often used in the production of yogurt, ice cream and other products. It can improve the consistency, stability and taste of the product.
2. Candy and Chocolate: Gelatin is mainly used in candy and chocolate manufacturing to improve the texture and taste of the product. For example, gelatin in fudge can increase the elasticity and mouthfeel of sugar.
3. Meat products: In meat products, gelatin can be used as a binder and water retention agent to improve the quality and taste of the product.
4. Beverage: Gelatin is mainly used to improve the stability of suspended particles in beverages, so that the beverage maintains a uniform taste.
5. Bread and cake: Gelatin can increase the viscosity and stability of the dough, improve the taste and shelf life of the product.

Advantages of 3. gelatin

As a natural food additive, gelatin has many advantages. First, it has excellent functional properties, such as gelation, film formation, etc. Secondly, gelatin has good stability and safety, and will not have a negative impact on human health. In addition, gelatin also has good processing properties and can be used in conjunction with other food additives to improve product quality.

4. considerations

Although gelatin is widely used in the food industry, some problems still need to be paid attention to in the process of use. First of all, to ensure that the source of gelatin is safe and hygienic. Secondly, it is necessary to control the amount of gelatin added to avoid excessive use. Finally, we should pay attention to the interaction between gelatin and other food additives to ensure the safety and quality of the product.

In short, as a food additive, gelatin plays an important role in the food industry. By understanding the basic properties of gelatin, its application in food, advantages and precautions, we can better understand and use gelatin and contribute to the development of the food industry.