Types of food gelatin







Food gelatin is a kind of additive widely used in the field of food processing, which is mainly used to enhance the viscosity, texture and taste of food. There are various types of food gelatin, depending on the source and processing.

1. Animal gelatin: Animal gelatin is one of the most common types of food gelatin. It mainly extracts collagen from animal bones, skin and other by-products, and is made through hydrolysis and other processes. Animal gelatin has good viscosity and stability, and is often used in candy, ice cream, yogurt and other foods.

2. Plant gelatin: Plant gelatin is derived from plant raw materials, such as soy products. The advantage of vegetable gelatin is that it does not contain animal ingredients and is suitable for vegetarians and people who are allergic to animal protein. It is often used as an alternative to animal gelatin and also performs well in taste and texture.

3. Microbial fermentation of gelatin: With the development of biotechnology, microbial fermentation of gelatin has gradually attracted attention. This kind of gelatin is produced by microbial fermentation process and has unique texture and viscosity. It has been widely used in some special foods, such as low-fat and low-sugar foods.

4. Mineral gelatin: Mineral gelatin is relatively rare, it is mainly extracted from mineral raw materials. Mineral gelatin has some special physical properties, such as high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, and is often used in food processing with special needs.

5. flavor gelatin: in addition to the above basic types of gelatin, there are some specific flavor of food gelatin, such as strawberry flavor, chocolate flavor and so on. These gelatins are often used as additives in specific foods mainly to increase the taste and flavor of foods.

6. Compound gelatin: In order to better meet the needs of food processing, a variety of gelatin will be compounded to obtain a compound gelatin. Composite gelatin combines the advantages of a variety of gelatin, which can better improve the texture and taste of food.

It should be noted that different types of food gelatin may have different requirements and restrictions in the processing process, so it needs to be selected according to the specific food type and needs. In addition, in order to ensure food safety, regular channels should be selected when purchasing food gelatin to ensure that the products comply with relevant regulations and standards.

In short, the variety of food gelatin, each with its own characteristics. In the process of food processing, the appropriate type of food gelatin should be selected according to actual needs to ensure the texture, taste and safety of the food.